About our Products

At Telbit, research, innovation and development activities are a constant in the company daily life. Due to these optimal conditions, good ideas find fertile ground to grow and evolve as valid products to the real world.

Our products are the result of a joint effort of study, conceptualization and development! Following the most demanding standards in software production and development, our products are able to face all the challenges they are put against to!

Check our products and learn about what we've put our minds into.


TeStudio is a system whose main purpose is to lighten the tasks related to software quality assurance (SQA) in the software development activity.


Service Manager

Service Manager is a service management web solution for small to medium sized businesses and organizations, allowing them to provide a support service to their customers in a professional, easy and efficient way.



Centaur is a state of the art FMS, specially designed for Telecommunication operators that require fast integration of their current and new coming services and platforms with the FMS, for optimal service coverage in a natural and efficient way.