Case Study BCA

NGIN platform developed by PT Inovação, provides telecommunication services for 14 million service subscribers spread all over the world. With a vast client list that includes names such as:

  • PT Comunicações
  • TMN
  • Cabo Verde Telecom
  • Telesp Celular e Global Telecom Brasil
  • Meditelecom Marrocos
  • Unitel Angola
  • Mascom Botswana e Companhia Santomense de Telecomunicações
  • Timor Telecom

It is necessary to assure complex services to be highly scalable and configurable. With pre-paid services, post-paid services, VPN and others PT Inovação needs a software solution that allows the configuration of its services, controlling in real time data versioning of production environments. The goal is to instrumentate the NGIN platforms, with the ability to manage configurations that without a data abstraction tool would be an extremely complicated task.


Telbit's role as a technological partner is to develop a software solution that accomplishes the already mentioned requisites. Also, this high complexity solution with high technological demands has to be scalable. The solution found was based in an innovative architecture that covers all technological layers between the client - HTML browser - that allows the parameterizations, and the server - Oracle 9i - that stores them. The main layers were: JavaScript, CSS, HTML, JSP, java, SQL, Oracle, PL/SQL. The development was based in some well known design patterns and programming paradigms that made the software tool highly modular and easy to maintain and evolve. Some examples of design patterns and programming paradigms used:
- DAO - Data Access Objects design pattern
- MVC - Model View Controller design pattern
- IOC - Inversion of Controller design pattern
- AOP - Aspect Oriented Programming

Project Highlights

The solution allows to quickly configure and manage, the parameterizations of the services provided by the NGIN platform. The Web based configuration interface, has proven to be useful in making the configuration processes that the development team takes care of. Its demonstrated stability also opens the possibility to delegate many configuration tasks to the NGIN platform clients - Telecommunication Operators. The success of the project became evident from the moment that the solution acquired a framework role. The software at the moment is being developed in a way that will provide a development platform of customizable configuration applications to be instantiated in a given client.

Technologies / Keywords

HTML, CSS, XML, XSL, JavaScript, AJAX, JSP, Java, JDBC, J2EE, Spring Framework, Oracle SQL and Oracle PL/SQL.